Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Business As Usual

Well, today was quite ordinary and not terribly exciting, but that's okay by me; better than an awful day, at least.

I'm really just waiting until this weekend, when I have another shoot, yay! I'll be working with one of my favorite photographers on Saturday, as well as a new one. Then, I have a big shoot event on Sunday, where there will be a few makeup artists, dozens of photographers, and several other models. I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I think it will be fun :) So up until then, I'm afraid my daily life will not be so exciting compared to that.

Oh, I do have one thing to talk about! I got a present at work today :D I got my office job I'm currently working through a temp agency, and one of the guys from the agency stopped by my office and gave me a present: a coffee mug, a small bag of candy, and a post-it note holder with post-it notes in it :) So now I have a coffee mug for work; I feel special, lol! I'm thinking tomorrow, my picture will be me drinking from my new mug...I just need to figure out how I can sneak a picture without the boss-lady finding out, hehehe. I suppose I could just use my cell phone, but the perfectionist in me dies a little at the idea of taking a picture at 2 megapixels *cringe* Ah, well, I'll figure something out. Until then, dear friends....

*Noms and fondles*


About the image: I wanted to do a photo of me with my head resting on the arm of the couch and looking at the camera upside down and laughing, but my hair looked weird, lol. So, because I like my big eyes, I decided to just play hide and seek instead :) I'm not crazy about the drop-off from the flash in the background, because I was lazy and only used one strobe, but oh well. I'm still quite happy with the result, and I got to take some pictures of my kitties when they decided to crash the set beforehand:

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