Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Force is Strong in This One

A little silly tonight :P

I'm in a great mood! I finally got a VIP profile on my modeling website, so now I can upload a bunch more pictures, yay! The only problem is having to re-size some of them, and others need to be edited before I can post them. Ah, well, part of the fun, I guess! Well, I've got a lot of pictures to look over and upload, and some re-writing to do on my profile. Talk to you all tomorrow!

*Noms and fondles*


About the image: Hey, I was already snuggling in the blanket, why not use it? The tripod and a flash were already set up downstairs, so that's what I went with. Used the flash bare and angled it down towards me. Not much to it, really. Added some subtle crosshatch brushstrokes to give it an interesting feel and changed the hue to make my skin look a bit more sallow. Voila! We have Carley as Emporer Palpatine :D

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