Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is it Friday Yet?

Hooray, tomorrow is Friday!

This whole week, I've been thinking it's a day later than it really is, which inevitably leads to disappointment when I'm brought back to reality :( But, all is well, because the weekend is nigh, my friends! And there shall be much rejoicing :D

I know I will be exhausted after working all weekend in Atlanta, but that's okay, it will be fun. I will also have many new pictures for my portfolio, yay!

It was work as usual today, and I was sleepy as usual when I got home. I really didn't want to have to take my picture tonight, but my husband brought the camera to me at least, so that helped a bit, lol. At first, I wanted to just hold the camera away from me and take a picture like that, no strobes or anything....but it looked hideous, so I thankfully abandoned that endeavor. So, I decided to go with one I had thought up earlier today, and it worked just the way I wanted it to! And now, with my errands done and my day blogged about, I am ready to run off to bed and catch some Zs.

*Noms and fondles*


About the image: I love reading in bed before I fall asleep, and I do it often. Sometimes, my husband is already in bed, so I have the lights off to let him sleep. I use my little purple flashlight under the covers, much in the same fashion as you see pictured above. To capture the shot, I had to prop the camera up on two books and I had a solitary strobe laying next to it, angled slightly upward. I really did pull the covers up over the camera and then my head and body :) The first shot I took was far too bright, so I closed the aperture a few stops, and took another, and voila! Just like magic, I had my perfect shot. I didn't have to do much in PS, just zapped a few skin imperfections and upped the contrast a tad. I was so happy this one didn't take 20 tries, because I was just too tired to put much energy into it, *whew*.

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