Friday, April 30, 2010


The weekend is here again! It's so odd, it seems like it was the weekend just yesterday :)

I have a shoot tomorrow in North Carolina....five hour drive just to get there, blah. But it's a paid shoot, so I'm not gonna complain. I also get to do some imitation Cirque du Soleil stuff, that should be fun. No plans for Sunday except to get a lot of rest and just enjoy the time off!

And I'm very, very, very excited because several friends of mine on Model Mayhem are planning a get-together in Atlanta the weekend after the next, and I'm going up to see them all! I have only met one of them in real life so far, so this will be a ridiculous amount of fun and we will all be crazy and have some wonderful adventures, I'm sure :D Many, many pictures will be taken by all!

Alrighty, time for me to go to bed now, I have a loooooong day ahead of me tomorrow. Good night, oh darling admirers!

*Noms and fondles*


About the image: Ugh. It's so boring. I couldn't think of anything fun to do today :( Tried using the Tupperware beauty dish, but I couldn't get it to work quite the way I wanted it to. Ah, well. Better pictures this weekend, I hope.

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