Monday, April 26, 2010

More Owies

It was back to work today, but thankfully it went by fast. Because I worked so hard and was in so many different poses over the weekend, my back was killing me today. It didn't hurt sitting down, but whenever I had to get up from the chair, it was not the funnest. But it was worth it for the fun I had this weekend and the pictures I'll be getting :)

I won't be writing much tonight, it's getting past my bed time and I need to catch up on my sleep. Hopefully I'll hurt a bit less tomorrow.

*Noms and fondles*


About the image: I'm really pleased with the way this one turned out, though it didn't look so promising to me at first. It's my back, in case that isn't obvious. I cropped the image pretty tight in order to really concentrate on the muscles and the lines and shadows. I had just a bare flash, though I would have liked to use something else....I just don't know what. I wouldn't have wanted to use an umbrella, I wanted a lot of harsher shadows. I tried a snoot, but it wasn't working the way I wanted it to. Que sera, sera. I'm happy with the final image, though :)

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